PLUMS have long been considered an essential part of farm orchards...and many of the best European plums like Damson, Italian, Green Gage and Mirabelle found their way into many Canadian farms and backyards. However today Canadian plum production has been decimated by BLACK KNOT disease so we must import tasteless plums(from California and elsewhere) to satisfy consumer demand. Local food producers are focusing on annual veggies to make ends meet so finding tasty plums at your local farmers market is almost impossible . We can stop the millions of dollars spent on imports by planting more cold hardy, more disease resistant varieties of plums better adapted to Canadian climate conditions. This new generation of plums must be resistant to black knot disease and should be able to resist -40 C temps AND produce crops of sweet and delicious fruit. Our farm research experience shows that the best "new" plum varieties that meet these requirements are: Red Arctic, Gold Star, Red Star and Blue Star
WE OFFER OTHER VARIETIES OF PLUMS AND PLUM VARIANTS ( CHUMS, PLUMCOTS) below and these also are resistant to black knot disease on our farm.