FRUIT Workshop
Sat June 7, 2025
We get frequent requests for "on site" consulting but suggest that anyone who is planning a farm orchard or a backyard fruitscape should come to this workshop and ask all your questions (10am -1pm). We discuss small farm orchards, permaculture fruit guilds, food forests, agroforestry and city/urban fruitscapes.. Even if you are planning to begin fruit growing in your backyard this workshop will be of help with your decisions. We will explain how to choose the right varieties(genetics) for your specific planting area and also those varieties that we have found can be grown organically with no sprays. We explain how to choose varieties to match your soil and climate conditions ...also how to plant a fruit tree properly, when is best time for transplant success, where to plant on your property and which food trees are best at mitigating climate change.
The afternoon propagation session (12 -1 pm) will show how you can use fruit seeds or cuttings or scions or buds to propagate your favourite fruit varieties. We will have some propagation materials available...........may include fruit seeds, cuttings, scions, buds, grafting tape, rootstocks. We are the only nursery/farm in Canada that offers this type of fruit preservation workshop... but this may be our last!. As societal interest in preserving all kinds of species from frogs to butterflies increases...sadly the interest in preserving our fruit heritage is declining rapidly. In 2025 about 98% of the fruit you eat will come from far away places. You must also be wary of the local Canadian grown fruit as GMO apples are starting to flood the marketplace and 99% of all Canadian grown fruit is heavily sprayed with pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, etc....much like the imported fruit. There is little organic fruit grown in Canada.......SO ONLY OPTION IS TO GROW YOUR OWN HEALTHY FRUIT. REGISTER online in Apples section under A Fruit Workshop or Send registration request by email to
PAWPAW TASTING - Saturday Oct 12, 2024
- TASTE TOUR #1 AM is 2 hrs (10 - 12) we tour farm to look at apples, pears, grapes, cherries, plumcots, nuts, etc.....any fruit for tasting will be handed out by tour guide
- TASTE TOUR #2 PM is 2 hrs (1 - 3) we tour farm for exotics like pawpaw, persimmon, medlar, quince, banana, crazy apple, kiwi, etc...any fruit for tasting will be handed out by tour guide
Cost $50 each tour
- see Farm Tour in Berries Section to register online
Green Barn Farm evolved from a traditional fruit orchard(1974) into a diverse food production system…. a system that is self sustaining with little or no inputs from us(freedom farming?). We do not spray, irrigate, fertilize, prune or pamper our trees as natural systems are in control and "Mother Nature" decides what lives and what dies. 40 years of trial and error has left us with a diversity of fruit, nut and berry plants that survive our climate extremes of bitter cold - 40 C winters and +40 C hot, humid summers. Experience has taught us which plant varieties survive our farm's weather extremes of heat, cold, drought, rain and wind. Also by observing how our plants handle the different growing areas on our farm …. heavy clay, dry sand, wet ditches, deep shade, blazing sun, winter winds, etc…we are now able to help other fruit growers to choose varieties more suited to their specific local soil and weather conditions. We grow all our crops using organic methods and have found that selecting the right varieties( genetics) the most important factor for fruit growing success.
Our farm tour should inspire both city and farm folk alike who may be looking beyond the usual fruit growing. During the guided tour we provide fruit samples for tasting…no renegade picking allowed!
Past Events .....from 7 years ago
Here's a video of our farm tour of 2014;
Guelph Organic Conference - Ken Taylor presented two 3-hour workshops at the conference. Download the content from the Guelph Organic Conference website(2014)
Eco Farm Day - Ken Taylor was a speaker at the Canadian Organic Growers Eco Farm Day 2014. He discussed the advantages and challenges of fruit agroforestry, as well as the genetic characteristics that farmers should look for in fruit trees to be used in the harsh Canadian climate. Read about Eco Farm Day 2014 by viewing their online archives