
ARCTIC HARDY is our most cold hardy plum able to withstand the coldest climates in Canada( Zones 1-5). This is Canada’s “indigenous” plum(prunus nigra) which was discovered growing "wild" on a riverbank 100 yrs ago. When we purchased our present farm I went back to same mother tree I had found on the riverbank and dug up a root sucker tree which has now formed a new Arctic Hardy Canadian plum thicket on our farm.  For past 4 decades we have been eating these native plums as every year it produces thousands of delicious sweet red plums. Have since  grown other Canadian plums but this one is by far the best tasting fruit with its sweet, juicy orange flesh 

It grows as a small tree of 7-9 ft and produces masses of white flowers in spring followed by beautiful red fruit that has deliciously sweet, orange flesh. The Arctic Hardy plum has a skin that is resistant to plum curculio and other insects. We have never seen the dreaded plum disease "black knot" ever attack(infect) any of our Arctic Red plum trees in last 50 yrs on our farm...meanwhile most of our European plums have been killed by the same disease.

The Arctic Hardy flowers are self -fertile but can cross-pollinate with most Japanese or American plums.  

Our Arctic Hardy plum trees are self-rooted suckers from the original mother tree....... so no graft to weaken tree to winter cold. This means that if you get a root sucker pushing up from below the ground it can be dug to produce a second Arctic Hardy plum tree. Great tree to plant in shelterbelts, windbreaks or northwest corner to form an edible "plum thicket". 

If you have had problems growing plums in CANADA...then ARCTIC HARDY is the plum to try....and we are only nursery propagating this unique variety of Canadian genetics.

If you want to grow plums in Yellowknife then plant this tree and if you order 5 trees we will add another 5 trees for free …this special applies for spring 2024 and to all areas of Canada.....sold out for spring 2024

we have a second Canadian plum that has large sweet fruit and will be offering this as #2

ARCTIC HARDY#1 Canadian plum (self rooted tree)..…………......$135

ARCTIC HARDY #2 Canadian plum (self rooted tree)......................$135

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