JUICY SWEET plumcot is our newest plumcot being offered this year. It produced a good a crop of plumcots again in summer 2019 in spite of a wicked cold winter and wet cold spring weather. This plumcot resists all plum diseases( black knot ,etc) and is a more dependable producer than all our plum and apricot varieties. Juicy Sweet plumcot trees are in our "most winter hardy " category with cold hardiness into Zone 2/3 climates JUICY SWEET trees are self -fertile variety...... but always suggest planting with another plumcot for better cropping. Limited supply this year. Our JUICY SWEET plumcots are now sel rooted for more hardiness. Plumcots produce fruit very quickly ..usually 1-2 yrs after planting.
The very expensive plumcot fruit we buy here in Canada are imported from California...seems like Canadians should learn how to grow there own?
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