Lemon - DWARF Meyer Bush
Meyer lemons are a cross between a lemon and an orange. Meyer lemon is juicier (yielding almost twice as much juice) and is less acidic than a typical lemon. Its peel is very thin and smooth. If kept in a warm area with high light the Meyer lemon will produce almost constantly and thus is said to be everbearing. It is important to prune the upright branches to maintain a dense plant. Young plants should also be pruned to encourage strong branches that will later support the weight of the abundant amount of lemons that a mature tree can produce. We sell dwarf meyer bushes that ship well and should start producing lemons in first year
dwarf MEYER lemon.....$145 ea
SPECIAL SPRING 2024....for every prepaid order for MEYER lemon we add a free KAFFIR LIME ($290 value for $145)............SOLD OUT FOR NOW
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