CHUM - Manor
MANOR is one of our favourite chums(cherry x plum) along with Kappa. Both have purple black skin (when fully ripe) but Manor has red flesh while Kappa has green/yellow flesh. If you eat chums before totally ripe they will be sweet but astringent( like our native chokecherries). Some like to eat them at this stage and others make wine, jams, etc with the unripe fruit. Best eaten when fruit is dead ripe( black)...when the delicious,sweet, fruity, plum/cherry flavour excels.. Both Manor and Kappa grow as a bush of 6 ft high X 4 ft wide when mature. Precocious(quick to fruit) and very productive with the branches almost touching the ground with the incredible fruit loads. Profuse, fragrant flowers adorn naked branches in spring...very pretty! Hardy to zone 2-3 and likes dry, windy sites in full sun. Manor needs another chum variety like Kappa for pollination
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