ALMONDS - Canadian Taylor
Almond nuts make a healthy snack food and almond butter makes a great alternative to peanut butter for your toast. Canada has no commercial almond production... so we import 100% of the almonds Canadians eat. California is our major supplier of almonds but expect this source to "dry up" in the coming years as almond farmers compete for this state's diminishing water supply....almond trees need lots of water to produce good crops. We have been trying to grow named almonds(Halls Hardy, Texas, All in One, etc) on our farm for many years with little success....until we discovered a tree growing on another Canadian farm that has been producing full crops of almonds for years and are now offering "baby" trees of this almond and calling it the Canadian Almond - Taylor. These Canadian Almond trees offer a real chance for almond lovers to become self-sufficient and not have to depend on imported California almonds. This tree produces abundant crops of almonds with delicious sweet kernels. You can also make an almond jam out of the "peach-like flesh" surrounding the almond nut -very few have the exquisite pleasure of tasting ALMOND JAM.. The almond tree leaves can also be used to make an ALMOND EXTRACT flavouring. Like vanilla this almond extract can add a new flavour nuance to some of your favourite dishes....chefs have not yet discovered this! Because of its profuse pink blooms and attractive foliage, the almond tree is often purchased solely for its ornamental qualities.
Canadian Almond -Taylor trees might be self-fertile but to maximize almond production it is advisable to cross-pollinate with any peach/nectarine variety or another almond variety.( please note that 2 Taylor almonds will cross pollinate each other) as seedling trees are all separate "varieties". Canadian Almond trees are hardy to -25C (zone 4) and maybe even colder with wind protection. Almond trees are similar to peaches in size and growing requirements. We have a limited inventory of our Canadian Almond trees and as no other nursery in Canada or USA sell this hardy variety...we suggest ordering as soon as you can before we sell out.
Our Canadian Almond Taylor trees for sale this year are approximately 90 cm tall but should grow to 7 ft or more and produce almonds within a couple of years
All almond photos below are from our own trees and these Canadian almonds are so much more tasty than those US imports.
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