TREES of POWER is a selection of new trees that we find are very resistant to disease, insects and climate extremes. They can be planted in any type of soil and will flourish without much care. They grow wild all over North America and thus have been used for centuries by our indigenous peoples ....but like most wild species the trees listed below are considered to be useless and even invasive.
SUGAR BERRY TREE......this beautiful tree is a great replacement for all of the elm trees that have been killed by the imported Dutch elm disease. Here in Canada we will never again see majestic elms anchoring our country roads. Our Green Barn farm's 150 yr old barn has been restructured from a cow barn to a nursery building but the original elm beams and roof planks still remain supporting the whole structure. The sugar berry tree also produces hanging clusters of sweet cherry-like fruit that taste like dates.... adored by wildlife..particularly song birds. The seed and surrounding fruit can be blended into smoothies or ground into 20% protein butter.
Special for 2024 order 2 Sugar Berry trees and we add a 3rd tree for free..
NATIVE EVERGREENS...Spruce, Pine and Fir....these were found all over Canada but are slowly disappearing from our wild landscapes ...both farmers and urban planners clear cut all the trees for "development". Also millions of trees are cut annually for construction wood products and Christmas trees. Anyone with farm land to spare should consider planting a few "mother" evergreens to start the "rewilding" process that nature needs to kick start the recovery process for these native evergreens. Spruce, pine and fir trees provide wildlife with food and shelter for nesting or climate moderation. Great to contrast the grey winter landscape with comforting "ever" green......especially with white snow accentuating the vibrant green richness.
SPECIAL 2024.....EVERGREEN PINE-FIR-SPRUCE...3 trees for $99
Other native TREES OF POWER available for spring 2024
HEMLOCK.......................sold out
TAMARAC.......................sold out
TULIP TREE....................sold out
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