Elderberries grow wild throughout Canada and our two varieties,Taylor and Gordon were selected from best wild plants These adaptable and tough plants are perfect by nature for riparian ditches and other poor growing conditions...although they prefer moister soils for best production...can even take full shade!
Two best varieties on our farm are TAYLOR and more recently GORDON. Both of these varieties produce very large clusters of dark purple berries a few weeks earlier than most other varieties like John, York, etc. Gordon even produces on new canes so can be cut to ground in spring and will produce loads of fruit on the new canes. Elderberries can take very cold climates( zone 2-3) and grow as a multi-stemmed shrub( 2-3 metres). Elderberries are very nutrient dense( full of antioxidants) and can be eaten fresh or processed into jams, jellies, wine, etc . Even the very large flower heads in spring are edible...commonly dipped in batter and cooked like pancakes. Elderberry shrubs should be planted way more often than they presently are...especially in those wet low lying soils and backyard corners where nothing else seems to grow.
TAYLOR elderberry plant................available now
GORDON elderberry plant.............available now
Special 50% discount…..order 5 elderberries …get 10 is sold out
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